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Full Stack Developer

1 year ago

  • Pavlo Myskov
  • 2 to 5 years
  • Python, Django, Flask, JavaScript, jQuery, React, VueJS, CSS3, Bootstrap, HTML5, SQL, PostgreSQL, UX Design, Agile, CI/CD, GIT
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Thank you for visiting my profile! As the founder of the Get-Job, I'm proud to use my platform in my own job search. I believe in the efficiency and power of this platform as it has been developed with the aim of helping job seekers find their perfect roles and employers find the right candidates. Who Am I? I have a diverse background in software development, with a particular emphasis on full-stack web development. My primary programming language is Python and its frameworks Django and Flask, which I have used for more than two years in various projects. I have used Python for building complex applications, including full-stack web applications, chat bots, scraping, and other scripts. In terms of frontend development, I am proficient in JavaScript, React, VueJS and UX Desing. For developing user interfaces I've also used HTML5, CSS3, Sass, and Bootstrap. Both in JavaSript and in Python, I had experience with different types of API (from integrating to building). In Python, I used Requests and Beautiful Soup library to build scrapers for different types of websites. As for databases, I have experience with both SQL and NoSQL databases. I can do direct database queries using pure SQL and also ORMs, such as Django ORM and SQLAlchemy. In terms of DevOps, I have experience using CI/CD processes and I've worked with Heroku cloud platform and AWS S3 storage. Finally, I have experience working in Agile development environments and I'm familiar with version control using Git. Don't hesitate to reach out to me with any questions, feedback, or even just to say hello. I am always open to discussing opportunities and collaborations Best Regards, Pavlo Myskov - Full Stack Software Developer, Founder of Get-Job

Web Developer

1 year ago

  • Sergey Kostanets
  • 2 to 5 years
  • JavaScript, PHP, Python, HTML, CSS, Git, Django, Drupal, Joomla.
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Full Stack Web Developer. Enjoying creating useful websites and related products for people and myself.

Digital Marketer

1 year ago

  • David O'Brien (Fiction)
  • 2 to 5 years
  • SEO, SEM, Google Analytics, Content Management, Social Media Marketing, Email Marketing, CRM, WordPress, Market Research
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A versatile and forward-thinking Digital Marketing professional with a proven track record in driving growth and enhancing brand recognition. Expertise in planning, implementing, and optimizing online marketing campaigns across various digital channels. Excels in using metrics to drive business decisions and optimize marketing performance.

Human Resources Manager

1 year ago

  • Siobhan Murphy (Fiction)
  • More than 10 years
  • Employee Relations, Recruitment & Hiring, Performance Management, HR Policies & Procedures, Training & Development, Payroll Management, Conflict Resolution
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Skilled HR professional with extensive experience in developing and implementing HR strategies that align with organizational objectives. Strong ability to manage staff performance and development, fostering a positive work environment and ensuring legal compliance.